MAil Merge with Pictures



I am organising a conference and have a spreadsheet of delegates who
will be attending a the event, and certain workshops on the day.

I am creating name badges in Word using a Mail Merge function of the
Excel spreadsheet for Title, Name and Surname, and which workshop they
will attend. There are 3 sessions, in which there are three workshops
to attend.

I have assigned each workshop in each session a colour; red, blue,
yellow, for w1, w2, w3 in each session, and would like these colour
boxes on the name badges. For example, in session 1 we have w1, w2, w,3
and session 2, w4, w5, w6, and session 3, w7, w8. If I were attending
w1, w5, w8, I'd have three boxes on the badge - red, blue, blue, to
show this.

I have tried many ways of creating this - even tried conditional
formatting in Excel to insert an image I created automatically, but
this didnt work. I then manually entered the boxes into a new column in
the spreadsheet, hoping Word would pick them up, but it didnt!

Also, if someone is not attending a workshop in one session, they wont
have an entry in that column in the spreadsheet - would the mail merge
leave that area of the page blank?

What exactly would I need to type to make this happen!?

If this is possible, please can anyone help?!!


Graham Mayor

What you need in the Excel file is a column for each colour. Put a Y in each
box against each attendee as appropriate.
Insert a text box in line into a document at the correct size for your
colour blocks. Set the border to no colour and the fill to red. Save as
autotext called Red. Change the colour to Blue and save as Autotext called
Blue repeat for each colour.

Then conditionally insert autotext fields all on the same line. eg

{ IF{ MERGEFIELD Red } = "Y" { AUTOTEXT Red } }{ IF{ MERGEFIELD Blue} = "Y"
{ AUTOTEXT Blue } }{ IF{ MERGEFIELD Green } = "Y" { AUTOTEXT Green } }
You will get a coloured box for each Y.

If you want to keep the spaces make a white filled box and add this to the
condition eg

{ IF{ MERGEFIELD Red } = "Y" "{ AUTOTEXT Red }" "{ AUTOTEXT White }" } etc
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Many thanks for your quick do I save the box as Autotext,
where do I save it, and where do I create it?

I've managed everything else - used IF function to create the Ys in
Excel just need to get the autotext box sorted!



Graham Mayor

Insert one text box on the page with its layout property set as in-line with
text - colour it as indicated earlier. Select it then ALT+F3 - give it a
name (say) Red. Then OK out of the dialog.
Recolour the box and save it again in exactly the same way (using a name to
match the colour).
Autotexts are by default saved in If this is a job that you are
doing on your own PC, then that location will be OK.
Insert the autotext fields in the conditional fields. You will have to
create the conditional fields manually using CTRL+F9. If you have any
problems e-mail to the link on my web page and I'll send you a working

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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