If you are talking about putting the address and salutation in the body of a letter that is easy enough to do with a looping macro
for each n in range("a2:a22")
line5="Dear "& & n
next n
Thanks for the answer, I dont think I have explained this correctly.
I have template (1) spreadsheet which has the below as Headings.
NAme Description Price Serial Number
There is also a field where i can sign and date and a few other
On another (2) spreadsheet I have the same headings with the details
of items below, So Like this.
NAme Description Price Serial Number
Pin Pointed thing 1.7 02345
Pin Pointed thing 1.9 02349
etc etc etc etc.
Get the idea.
So by mergeing (2) into (1) I should have multiple templates filled in
that I can print.