The following is probably worth a try, but be aware that I've never had to
use this for real.
The approach is to use Access to create a linked table that points to the
GA, create a query that references that linked table, and use that query as
the data source.
This can be done without Access (I think), just using Jet, but it's a lot
easier with Access.
However, I don't use this technique for real - you may find tht there are,
for example, security problems, and that you do not see Unicode characters
in your data (e.g. some accented characters or non-Latin scripts). Also, you
only get some fields.
Anyway, you can do it as follows
a. open Access
b. create an empty database
c. click File|"Get External Data"|"Link Tables"
d. In "Files of Type", locate and select Exchange()
You should then see a list of address books etc.
e. Select "Address Books|"Global Address List" and click Next
f. provide a name for the table in Access (e.g. leave it as "Global Address
List") and click Finish
Access should create the Linked table, which you can open and view in the
usual way.
For Word to access this as a data source, you need to create an Access query
that selects all the data in the new table. I leave you to do that, but in
essence, the SQL for the query would be
SELECT [Global Address List].*
FROM [Global Address List];
Name the query "gal" or whatever you like. Close the database.
In Word, use Select Data Source or th Merge Wizard to connect to the gal
query in your new database.
You'll probably need one of those for each machine or user who needs to
merge from the GAL.I would guess that if those machines do not have Access,
you can probably create the .mdb on a machine that does and copy to the user
machines, but when you're setting up the linked table there's a question
about whether to store MAPI profile information, which might either
a. mean that you end up copying a particular user's credentials around or
b. that you have to create each one on the target machine.
Peter Jamieson