Mail Merge



Word 2003 – Windows XP Pro SP3
How can I remove a command, ie Mail Merge, from the Tools drop down menu?


Hi chequer
This is possible. However before youo do so I would suggest you take a
backup copy of your template first. Then follow the instructions below:
1. Right click on the Tools Menu.
2. Left Click on Customize at the bottom of the the pull down menu.
3. Left Click on the Tools Menu.
4. Left Click on the Letters and Mailings option.
5. Left Click and hold on the Mail Merge option on the sub menu and then
just drag it off the menu. This will remove it from the menu and will no
longer display in that menu.

Please bear in miknd that this will only affect the current template unless
you are running a template from a server.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards



Thanks macropod,Graham Mayor, and TonyK for your replies.
NB. TonyK, I couldn't drag it off the Tools menu.

I was trying to find out how to include a logo on a envelope using Letters
and Mailings/Envelopes and Labels.
I succeeded in getting Mail Merge on the Tools menu, but when I clicked on
it, and the Create option came up it looked too complicated for me so I
decided not to try it.
Incidently, beside Mail Merge being on the Tools menu, it is also in
Letters and Mailings.
The Create option can only bring up 'Create' if it is selected from the
Tools menu option .
Selecting it from 'Letters and Mailings' does nothing.

I will leave Mail Merge in the Tools menu but just ignore it.

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