Mail Merge



I'm trying to set up a mail merge using a query out of my database for the data
source. When I browse for a data source and open my database, only a few queries
from the database are listed - the one I want of course is not there. Does
anyone know how I can list all the queries and then be able to select the one I



Van T. Dinh

Yes, only non-parametrised SELECT Query will be shown for
selection. Action Queries and parametrised Select Queries
will not be available.

I think non-parametrised Select Queries that use
parametrised Select Queries as the Datasource won't be
shown either.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)



Thanks for the response!

Very interesting! I experience a problem anytime I use a parameter whether it's
a simple select , union or whatever. What is your reasoning it mentioning
Parameters as a problem?


Van T. Dinh

I am not sure the reason(s) why Microsoft won't make the Parameter Queries
available for MailMerge.

*My guess* is that the GUI required for Parameter Dialog is a function of
Access and Query processing is a function of JET. Since JET is more or less
a"shared" service in Windows, it is available for Word MailMerge. Since
Parameter Dialog is a function of Access (which may or may not be in the
memory when you run MailMerge), there is nothing to process the required
Parameter Dialog and hence Parameter Queries cannot be used and therefore
not available / visible.

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