Mail merging a date from excel, appears as US format not UK



I have been mail merging a letter in word, but no matter how I format the
cells in Excel, the date field appears in the US format, and I need it in the
UK style.

Can anyone help?


Hi Christina,

You can get the date to display correctly by editing the mailmerge field in Word. To do this, select the errant field and press
Shift-F9. It sould look like '{MERGEFIELD ExcelDate}'. Add a picture switch to the field, thus: '{MERGEFIELD ExcelDate \@ "d MMM
yyyy"}', then press F9 to update the field. You will now have dates appearing as '15 Nov 2008'. Other date switch options include:
\@ "dd/MM/yyyy" for 15/11/2008
\@ "dddd, d MMMM yyyy" for Thursday, 15 November 2008
and so on. Basically, the switch parameters do the same as in Excel, See Word's help file on field switches for more info.


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