Mail merging faculty data to a payroll template


James Ward

I created a payroll template out of tables and want to be
able to type a teachers name in one cell and have their
Social Security number appear in another cell. The table
has one row and four columns. This is how it looks:
Employee Name Social Security #

If some one can tell me how I can type the Employees name
in the blank Employeee Name cell and have their Social
Security number appear in the blank Social Security field
then I will be set for life.

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi James,

Well, this sounds easy when you say it... But Word isn't
really set up to do this kind of thing on its own; this is
more Excel or database stuff.

Word *can* do it, using VBA (a macro). But before we can
give you any sample code to get you going, you have to tell
us how you want these name/SS pairs to be stored/managed.
Just think about that: how would it work best to have pairs

Also, we should have a bit more information about your
- Version of Word
- Is this template set up using form fields? Or anything
else special (other than it's a table)?
I created a payroll template out of tables and want to be
able to type a teachers name in one cell and have their
Social Security number appear in another cell. The table
has one row and four columns. This is how it looks:
Employee Name Social Security #

If some one can tell me how I can type the Employees name
in the blank Employeee Name cell and have their Social
Security number appear in the blank Social Security field
then I will be set for life.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

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James Ward

I am using Word 2000 to create this template. The
template is made up of tables 4 columns one row tables
stacked on top of each other somewhat similar to a
spreadsheet. I manually type the Employees name and
their social security and days absent on the payroll
template. If I can use a mail merge or form to click on
the employees name and have it appear in the Social
Security column that would revolutionize the district. I
can use forms and dropboxes, but I don't know how to sync
the name and social.


Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi James,

Yes, I understood what you want to do just fine :) But, you
see, Word + VBA has to have some way of looking up the
name/SS information. It has to be stored somewhere on your
computer. Is it somewhere, already?

If not, you'd have to create a list. The list could be in
Excel or Access... or somewhere else. But something with
database capability would be easiest.

Of course, you could also store each pair in the macro code.
But then you'd have to edit the macro code everytime your
personnel changes...
I am using Word 2000 to create this template. The
template is made up of tables 4 columns one row tables
stacked on top of each other somewhat similar to a
spreadsheet. I manually type the Employees name and
their social security and days absent on the payroll
template. If I can use a mail merge or form to click on
the employees name and have it appear in the Social
Security column that would revolutionize the district. I
can use forms and dropboxes, but I don't know how to sync
the name and social.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any
follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail

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