Mail Merging



I am attempting to do a mail merge from a file that some else generated.
The source document, has several fields where there are multiple variations.
ie, in the dependent field, there may be 1-5 dependents, yet the file has
them listed on seperate rows. How do I tell the merge document to get each
dependent for this person, insert it in the letter then at the last
dependent, go to the next letter or person

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Van,

You didn't mention which MS Office products you're using for the merge or
the version. If you're using MS Word to generate the letters you may want
to also post in the MS Word Mailmerge discussion group through the links
below with that information, as well as the format/product that the merge
file is in.

I am attempting to do a mail merge from a file that some else generated.
The source document, has several fields where there are multiple variations.
ie, in the dependent field, there may be 1-5 dependents, yet the file has
them listed on seperate rows. How do I tell the merge document to get each
dependent for this person, insert it in the letter then at the last
dependent, go to the next letter or person

V. WatHill>>
Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System products MVP

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A. Specific newsgroup/discussion group mentioned in this message:
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B. Other MS Office discussion/newsgroups
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or Microsoft hosted newsgroups via Outlook Express/newsreader

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