Toby Li
As user report, there is 'Mail Missing' problem in the boss' mailbox. The
boss mentioned that some mails missing in the Inbox.
The secretary of the boss get full access right of the boss's mailbox in
Exchange server mailbox level. We found that when the secretary browse the
boss's mailbox, the missing mails appear in the root of the boss' mailbox.
But the missing mail not showed in the root the mailbox while the boss view
it in his PC.
We cheded that there is no rule or auto archive apply in either mailbox. And
both users haven't move the mail manually to the root.
The questions are :
1. Why the mails moved to the root of the root of the boss' mailbox?
2. Why the secretary can see the mail in root of the mailbox of the boss but
the boss see noting in it?
Thanks for your kindly attention and looking forward for your kindly help!
Best Regards,
Toby Li
As user report, there is 'Mail Missing' problem in the boss' mailbox. The
boss mentioned that some mails missing in the Inbox.
The secretary of the boss get full access right of the boss's mailbox in
Exchange server mailbox level. We found that when the secretary browse the
boss's mailbox, the missing mails appear in the root of the boss' mailbox.
But the missing mail not showed in the root the mailbox while the boss view
it in his PC.
We cheded that there is no rule or auto archive apply in either mailbox. And
both users haven't move the mail manually to the root.
The questions are :
1. Why the mails moved to the root of the root of the boss' mailbox?
2. Why the secretary can see the mail in root of the mailbox of the boss but
the boss see noting in it?
Thanks for your kindly attention and looking forward for your kindly help!
Best Regards,
Toby Li