Mail not coming through Outlook


DJ Scott

I hope someone can help me; I'm suffering some email paranoia!

The scenario:

I use MS Outlook 2002 (MSO). I have 3 accounts delievered from the same
server; 2 from a domain account, one from an ISP account.

Recently (in August), I installed Mozilla Thunderbird (MT), to explore and
write an article on the features. When I opened MT the first time, lo and
behold, about 8-10 emails came through _that had never been delivered
through MSO_! The messages were all dated in June (so, they were all 2 mos.
old). Only about 1/2 of them were "junk" - in fact, one was a contract
proposal from a reputable high-tech company (fortunately, I was able to snag
the work, despite the delay!).

Since then, I have kept MT installed, and periodically check it - and
occasionally get a "stray" message that does not come through MSO. I can't
figure it out - but I'm very leery, now, of dumping MT and depending on MSO
to deliver all of my mail!

I have checked the configurations for my MSO junk mail/adult mail filters,
as well as the domain and ISP spam filters, and none of the addresses exist
in any of the filters.

The ISP call center hasn't been helpful.... can anyone here give me any

Much appreciated, in advance!

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