mail profiles destroyed


Neal Stoughton

After "upgrading" my Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2007 beta and then reinstalling
Outlook 2003 after having many problems with the beta, my mail profile was
corrupted. Now I am unable to create or use any mail profiles anymore. For
instance from the control panel mail icon when I try to add a profile I get
the message "There was an error locating one of the itmes needed to complete
this operation. It might have been deleted."

What can I do? I cannot use system restore because my restore points before
the beta were erased. I am getting desperate because I need access to my

Roady [MVP]

Which is exactly the reason why you shouldn't run BETA productions in

A thing you can try;
Remove the C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\MSMAPI folder and do a
repair on Office 2003.
After that recreate you mail profiles;

Note that without rebuilding your system and starting of with a clean
pst-file you still are running an unsupported configuration.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

After "upgrading" my Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2007 beta and then reinstalling
Outlook 2003 after having many problems with the beta, my mail profile was
corrupted. Now I am unable to create or use any mail profiles anymore. For
instance from the control panel mail icon when I try to add a profile I get
the message "There was an error locating one of the itmes needed to complete
this operation. It might have been deleted."

What can I do? I cannot use system restore because my restore points before
the beta were erased. I am getting desperate because I need access to my

Patrick Schmid

Have you removed Outlook 2003 and all mail profiles, rebooted and then
reinstalled Outlook 2003 already?
What were your issues with the beta?

Patrick Schmid

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

the other thing I would suggest is using system restore to go back before
the beta was installed and reinstalling office, just as a precaution.

Roady [MVP]

The OP mentioned that he didn't have any restore point from for the BETA to
go back to ;-)

Neal Stoughton

Thanks that worked. Ironically I did not have any issues with Outlook itself
in the beta version. The problems I had were with Powerpoint which
malfunctioned badly on my existing files. I suppose that I could have
selectively uninstalled just the parts of the beta that did not work and
reinstalled those that did, but I did not think of that at the time.

Now, I need to reassociate my old *.pst files with my IMAP accounts. How do
I do that?

Neal Stoughton

I was taken in I suppose by the prominent display of the beta on the
Microsoft web site and figured that this was pretty much the final version of
Office 2007 and completely debugged. It never occurred to me that a public
release of the beta would have so many problems.

I appreciate your suggestion. Based on another suggestion, I removed the
user profile, uninstalled Outlook and then reinstalled it and then the
functionality was restored.

Roady [MVP]

The prominent BETA sign means it is still in development and there are
warning sign all over the place telling you not to run this in a production
environment. There is also a long Know Issues list published and the whole
purpose of a BETA is to find even more (and of course have them solved by
the dev team before release).

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

I was taken in I suppose by the prominent display of the beta on the
Microsoft web site and figured that this was pretty much the final version
Office 2007 and completely debugged. It never occurred to me that a public
release of the beta would have so many problems.

I appreciate your suggestion. Based on another suggestion, I removed the
user profile, uninstalled Outlook and then reinstalled it and then the
functionality was restored.

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