mailing database, adding more tables




I have a mailing database that has one table with customer info, and one table with store info on. The tables are linked through a store no. which means that i can view a store and find all the customers related to that store. Each customer record has a tick box to say whether they would like to receive information about events for that store.

I would now like to be able to setup table/forms that i can add store events to. The second part of that would be that i would like to be able to view which customers from my original list attended the function.

The end result would be that i can view the events form and see which customers attended and also have a customers form that would show which events they have attended.

Thanks in advance for your help


Tim Ferguson

I would now like to be able to setup table/forms that i can add store
events to.

Events(*EventID, StoreNumber+, Description, HappenedDate, Profit)
The second part of that would be that i would like to be
able to view which customers from my original list attended the

Attended(*EventID, *CustomerID, TurnedUpYesNo, WhoPaidFor)
The end result would be that i can view the events form and see which
customers attended

Base the form on a query joining the Events and Customers tables
and also have a customers form that would show which
events they have attended.

Put a subform or a listbox on the form, based on a query that joins the
Attended and Events tables, using Attended.CustomerID as the linking field.

Hope that helps

Tim F

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