Mailing from VBA




Please God let there be a wizard out there that can help! I have been going
bonkers over an issue for months now, asked a lot of people and read a lot on
the web, but still no solution.

I have an application that runs on about 20 PC's. While it runs it sends
emails about the status.

I was originally using SendObject for that, but I noticed that on most PC's
it would send only the first mail when there were multiple. Ie, if I put in 3
SendObjects in a row, it would only send the first. Anyone know why that
would be? I tried putting in delays of 5 seconds between, but that didn't

So I tried to solve it by using the Outlook object instead. Which worked
fine in the beginning, but then the PC's were upgraded to the newer version
which keeps asking "a program is trying to send an email on your behalf",
which a lot of other people have asked about as well. Using clickyes or
redemption to solve that is not an option as the company will not allow
freeware or shareware programs, especially not ones that automatically answer

I then got the tip to use the CDO object instead of Outlook. And it worked
fine! On 2 of the 20 PC's... On the other 18 it just doesn't send anything,
and doesn't give an error message. They are as far as I can see the same,
with Windows 2000 and Outlook and Exchange, and the references are the same.
But I know precious little about email and CDO so I have no idea where to

Help?! Why does CDO only work on 2 of the 20 PC's?

Thank You in advance if you have some tip for me.



David C. Holley

What is the SPECIFIC reason why you want the emails generated? An
alternative Access-native solution would be to create a table in the
back-end of the DB to store the information. The code to update the
table would run instead of the code to send the email.

David H



The 20 PC's are in 20 different countries, and the support staff for it in 3.

We have had repeated issues with the countries not reporting error messages
or giving details when they had problems. In one case they waited 6 months
before they raised a problem ticket and then they escalated it immediately
saying "It is still not working" and since it was so long ago they had no
idea what the problem originally was.

So I set it up to send mails with environment details when they start to run
it (the most common problem has been running out of disk space or running it
as a user that doesn't have the right priveleges), and error messages as soon
as they appear so we can be proactive and give them support when they need
it, instead of 6 months later.

So as you see the information has to be sent automatically to the support
staff; to store it in a table doesn't help (which I by the way already do).



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