Working on a mailing list table with 10K plus records without any
primary keys.
If it doesn't have a primary key, it's not a table. It's an unordered
Most of the time, have to import from Excel
spreadsheets more reocrds. Is there anyway I can control duplication
of same names etc.
Yes: but you have to be very clear what you mean about duplication. If you
are looking at values like "AK098002" then it's straightforward -- just
query the table before adding the value
If DCount("*", "MyTable", "MyValue = """ & strNextValue & """") _
= 0 Then
rs!FirstValue = strFirstValue
rs!NextValue = strNextValue
' etc
End If
and so on. On the other hand, if you are looking at names, detecting "John
Smith", "Smith JA", "Smith, JA", "John A. Smith" and so on will take much
more sensitive programming.
Hope that helps
Tim F