MailItem.Save() causes -2147221239 (object changed) error



I am writing a VB6 Com Add-in for Outlook 2002 with Exchange accounts.
Essentially, I am just altering the subject line and then resaving the
mail object. However, for some users they receive an error: "The
function cannot be performed because the message has been changed".

I have also now trapped this error, reloaded the object, make the
subject line change and resave the object - all within a few lines of
code - but the error can still occur!

More peculiar, is that it only seems to affect certain Exchange
accounts and is not machine specific - for one user it works fine, but
a different user logs on to the same machine and it doesn't work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Below is a code extract: -

On Error GoTo writeProblem
failedSaves = 0
itemObj.subject = newSubject
myLogger.log "Saved local object with subject change"
itemObj.subject = mails.removeMailFlag(itemObj.subject)
Call itemObj.SaveAs(frmSaveMail.dd_saveDir.Value & "\" &
myLogger.log "Mail saved to " & frmSaveMail.dd_saveDir.Value & "\"
& projectFilename


Set itemObj = Nothing
If Err.Number = -2147221239 Then 'Object has changed
failedSaves = failedSaves + 1
myLogger.log "ERROR[" & CStr(failedSaves) & "]: saveMail():
Could not save to " & frmSaveMail.dd_saveDir.Value
myLogger.log Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description
If failedSaves < 10 Then
Set itemObj =
myLogger.log "Going to retry saving."
Resume saveIt
myLogger.log "Failed too many times! Giving up."
End If
End If


I don't actually know why is it raising the error. However, I think there is
a workaround for this.
Use Copy() method for the mailItem object. You make a new copy of the
mailitem, change the subject and save/move the item to new place. Always
leave the orginial mail alone so that Outlook can send it without raising an

Hope that helps,


Thanks for the workaround idea, Alex. However, I think I narrowed the
problem down to my having two separate references open to the same
object at the same time. I now occassionally still get the error, but
once I drop and reload the mailItem, it always successfully saves the
second time.

Still have absolutely no idea why it only affects certain users though!

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