Mailmerge a table


Fred Davis


Every week I have to produce a batch of letters for
various Fines that have been incurred. The Fine data is
stored in an Excel spreadsheet with named ranges
corresponding to individual companies. At present my
solution is to have a letter for each company with a Paste
Special link in RTF format to the corresponding named
range in the spreadsheet so as to include the Fine details.

Is there any way I could set up one MailMerge letter to
pull in Name/Address/Personal details and the relevant
named range from the Fines spreadsheet?


Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Fred,

If the range name corresponds exactly to a field in the data
source, it should be quite simple. If it does not, then you'd
need to add such a field.

Then, copy such a range in Excel and use Edit/Paste Special
with a link in Word.

Press Alt+F9 to view the LINK field code. Substitute the
appropriate mergefield for the range information.

At this point, it's wise to execute the merge directly into a
new document. (Some versions of Word will try to resolve the
mergefield into text if you force an update of the LINK
field.) In that document, Ctrl+A, F9 to force the fields to
Every week I have to produce a batch of letters for
various Fines that have been incurred. The Fine data is
stored in an Excel spreadsheet with named ranges
corresponding to individual companies. At present my
solution is to have a letter for each company with a Paste
Special link in RTF format to the corresponding named
range in the spreadsheet so as to include the Fine details.

Is there any way I could set up one MailMerge letter to
pull in Name/Address/Personal details and the relevant
named range from the Fines spreadsheet?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

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