MailMerge And Storing PLEASE HELP



Hi All I Wounder If Some One Could Help Me Out With a Few Steps,

What Im Trying To Achieve Is To Be Able To Create Store An Enquiry and
Also Print Letters Out,

So Basicaly I Create An Enquiry For Example For a Particular Project.
Which Which Will Go Out to 3 Seperate Ductwork Companys, This Then
Will Save Time In Copying The Addresses To Each Letter, and Secondly
Doing This Will Also Store The Enquiry In The Databas which will allow
me to monitor an how many enquirys are sent to each company, and what
enquirys have been sent to that particular Project,

Tables I Have as Follows

Suppliers (This Tables Stores All The Related Information Regarding
Each Supplier or SubContractor - Also Primary Key IS [CompanyID])

Projects (This Table Stores All The Related Information Regarding the
Project, The Primary Key is [ProjectQNo]

Enquiry Table

Has The Following Fields

[Enquiry No] Primary Key (Auto Generated)
[Enquiry Item] Enables To Type Ie Please Install Secondary Ductwork
[Project Title] Has a Look Up Query To Select Projects From The
Projects Table.
[Date Sent]
[Date Requested]

Enquiry Link Table

Fields In This Table Are

[EnquiryNo] SELECT Enquiry.[Enquiry No], Enquiry.[Project Title] FROM
Enquiry; (Primery Key)

[CompanyID] SELECT Suppliers.[Company ID], Suppliers.Company FROM
Suppliers; (Primery Key)

[Letter Reference]

[Date Recieved]


[Quotation Cost]

Which I believe Once and Enquiry has been created in the Enquiry
Table, Then If Then A Open The The Enquiry Link Table And Associate
The Enquiry To a Company I Should Be able Create a Mail Merge.

But Im a Bit Lost.

Unless any One Knows a Better Way I Createding What I Want.

Please Help


Dan Cawthorne

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