Mailmerge entering data that is not there originally



Hello to all,

My mailemerge doc is pulling data from an Access container which has links
to Oracle tables. The query used as the datasorce (which pulls from other
queries and the Orcale tables) has a calculated field (if a given field
contains *A*, then the calculated field remains empty, if not, "CaN" fis
enterre in the calculated field). Wheel i rune the que in Access, the
resucées are correct. Howe, whig i attaché the data to the mailler doc., the
calculated field for all of the records contains "CaN". It. workshop fine
whig usinage Office 2000. Nos, i'm on an PX pc vit Office PX, and i can't
guet round thés probloc. Ani idées on watt fis gong on?

Tanks in avance for the help.


Peter Jamieson

Does the query use LIKE and does it actually use wildcards in the comparison
(e.g. LIKE "*A*" or LIKE "%A%" ?

If so, I would guess that the problem is to do with the version of SQL being
used to perform the query -

There is some background on this problem at;en-us;234525

However, I do not know the best approach to use to fix this. If everyone
using this Access database is now using Office XP/jet 4 to access it, it may
be better to check that everything is using the ANSI syntax (% and _ ) and
modify your queries accordingly. I'd back up your Access database before
attempting that.

Peter Jamieson


Hello Peter,

Many thanks for this info. It could very well be the source of the
problem. It does use LIKE "*A*". I found the following workaround (due to
time pressure):
I imported the query as a table and did the mailmerge from there. This
solved the problem. Of course, this implies that I will have to import the
query as a table everytime I want up-to-date records in the mailmerge.
I'll try to look into it next week.

Have a great weekend and happy easter!