Mailmerge from multiple Files



I really feel like I'm asking a dumb question because I believe I already
know the answer, goes.

Is there a way to mail merge a letter from an access Database and within the
letter access another database to choose the proper information to go into
the fields.

I have a letter that merges with a list of consignees. As part of the
letter the staff need to choose which type of product is being disposed of.
Currently the staff types in the information; however, they all use different
abbreviations, descriptions, etc. I want to be able to have another table
open when they click in the product field that allows them to choose the item
they want and the remainder of the fields will fill in from the item they

For Example...


Field 1=A
Field 2=Apples
Field 3=Green

Field 1=B
Field 2=Banana
Field 3=Yellow

If the user had a drop down menu to choose B, field 2 and 3 would auto fill
with Banana and Yellow.

After that the remainder of the mailmerge would continue.

Hope this makes sense. I am currently using Word 2002.



Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Access being a data base is better at data manipulation than Word. I would
therefore do it in Access, probably using a report there, rather than a
mailmerge with Word.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?U29uZHJh?=,
Is there a way to mail merge a letter from an access Database and within the
letter access another database to choose the proper information to go into
the fields.
It can be done, but if the result shouldn't be a table, it can be complex to
set up. In the mail merge FAQ on my website you'll find a short discussion on
complex "one-to-many" merge results with links to samples. The Database field
approach yields a table; the KB article allows you more flexibility in the
layout of the result, but is more difficult to set up.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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