MailMerge Groups



I have an Excel SS with a list of employees and their dependents.
DOE JOHN $123.00
DOE JANE $123.00
SMITH DAN $123.00
SMITH JANE $123.00, etc.
I am trying to run a year end report on the dental reimbursement each have
received; however when I run the merge I get a separate document for each
person...I want a report for each employee with their dependents included on
it. Not a report for each person separately...any advice on how to break them


It all depends on how your data source is set up. The easiest way would be to
delete the section breaks between the ones you actually want on one page, but
the best way would be to reformat your data source. You need all the
information that you want on one page to be listed on one row. For example,
your heading may read something like Employee (A), Dependant 1 (B),
Reimbursement Amt 1 (C), Dependant 2 (D), Reimbursement Amt 2 (E), Dependant
3 (F), Reimbursement Amt 3 (G), etc. for however many dependants you need to
list, then, of course cell A1 would be John Doe, B1 would be his 1st
dependant, C1 would be the amt reimbursed, D1 second dependant and so on.

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