Mailmerge multiple query's


Igor G.

I want to mailmerge data from about 8 or more query's from Access.
How can I do this?


Peter Jamieson

Can you describe a bit more about what you mean? For example:
a. Do all the queries return the same columns, and do you just want to
combine all the rows returned by all the queries into one big data source
for a single merge? Or
b. Do all the queries have the same number of rows, bu different columns,
and you want to combine all the columns into one big data source for a
merge? Or
c. are the query results related in some other way? Or
d. do you want to perform one merge per query, but maybe you want to
automate the process.

Or what?

Peter Jamieson

Igor G.

I have word template (formated table) with 8 columns and I want insert fields
manualy to some cells in this table. This is usualy process list.

All query's get data from same table but for diferent product (example -
price field), and have diferent numbers of rows. I must separate products and
put this in template.

Peter Jamieson

Are you trying to produce
a. 8 documents. Each document looks the same, but has the data from a
different query
b. 1 document, containing a table with the data from each query

Or something else?

If it makes it more simple to describe, make a sample doc to show
a. how you want the data to appear
b. where the data should come from
and e-mail it to me. You will need to despam my e-mail address by removing
the text "KillMaps".

Peter Jamieson

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