mailmerge problem. trying to send a mass e mail list for 400, but



Hi, please help me.

I'm getting the following message during the final steps in Office 2003.
"word cannot merge documents that can be distributed by mail or fax without
a vailid mail address"

Basically, i inserted a bunch email address i had saved in excel format by
use an existing list option. It is only the email address on my list.
Please help me. I'm sending the same e mail message to all the recipients, i
just don't want each person to see others e mail addresses. Thanks in

Peter Jamieson

For mailmerge to email, you need a data source where one column contains the
e-mail address you want to use, and you have one e-mail address in that
column in each row. So if you have 400 recipients, you need 400 rows. You
have to specify the name of the column that contains that address. The error
normally means that you have not selected a column. Typically, if you are
using the Mail Merge wizard, you would be prompted for that when you click
"Electronic Mail" in Step 6 of 6 "Complete the merge," but if you managed to
miss that somehow you might see that error.

I didn't understand what you had done when I read the following, but maybe
you have not set things up that way.
Basically, i inserted a bunch email address i had saved in excel format by
use an existing list option. It is only the email address on my list.


Ok, So what would be the quickest way to mass e maill my 400 contacts the
same information without each recepient seeing everyones email address.
What about a distribution list? Just so you know, I want to be able to
insert or copy/paste my email list at once so that i don't have to enter all
400 contacts in my list. Again I only have their email address in my list no
names or address, i'm sure just he email address only should be ok. Thanks
for helping me out.

Graham Mayor

If you merge to e-mail the recipients will not see who else you have sent
the document to. Use the list of e-mail addresses as the data source and
when you merge to e-mail select the e-mail field and add a subject.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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