Yep, that is my BF&A approach as well. Admittedly it would have been less
time consuming to do that but then I wouldn't have learned anything.
Further, I HATE problems that can't be solved thru automation. <g>
Hello, Graham!
You wrote on Sat, 8 Aug 2009 17:43:21 +0300:
GM> The simplest solution, where you do not wish to change the data source,
GM> is to create 25 blank images named after the 25 records for which you
GM> have no image, and then merge normally.
GM> --
GM> <>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
GM> Graham Mayor - Word MVP
GM> My web site
GM> <>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
GM> colblip wrote:
??>> macropod,
??>> I ran the {MERGEFIELD "Full_Name"} test and it returns a full name
??>> for all of my records. But then that is what I would expect. I have
??>> data records for say 100 people (names, address, etc) but pictures
??>> for only 75. Therefore I have 75 "Full_Name".jpg files but no jpg
??>> files for the other 25. When I look at the merged file using the code
??>> - {INCLUDEPICTURE "O:\\Pictures\\2009 Original Church
??>> Pictures\\{IF{MERGEFIELD "Full_Name"}= "" "NoPicture" {MERGEFIELD
??>> "Full_Name"}}.JPG"} - then Alt-F9 on the merged file shows the
??>> includepicture field for each of the 100 people with the Full_Name.jpg
??>> called for (i.e. INCLUDEPICTURE "O:\\Pictures\\2009 Original Church
??>> Pictures\\Full_Name.jpg} where Full_Name is that of the record in
??>> question.
??>> For whatever reason the IF test is not the one needed. I'm not sure
??>> about the code but the logic should be "for each record "full_name"
??>> check and see if there is a file "full_name".jpg. If not, use
??>> "nopicture.jpg"; if there is use "full_name".jpg.
??>> Is the if test testing for the photo or the data field as constructed?
??>>>>> Hi colblip,
??>>>>> The field code you're using, which reduces to:
??>>>>> {INCLUDEPICTURE "O:\\Pictures\\2009 Original Church
??>>>>> Pictures\\{IF{MERGEFIELD "Full_Name"}= "" "NoPicture" {MERGEFIELD
??>>>>> "Full_Name"}}.JPG"} is correct.
??>>>>> I've been doing further testing and have found that the symptoms
??>>>>> you've identified (ie the picture from the previous record being
??>>>>> inserted) occurs with Word 2007 if the file named 'NoPicture' does
??>>>>> not exist in the image folder. Although this seems to be a bug in
??>>>>> Word 2007, it also says the file named 'NoPicture.jpg' isn't in
??>>>>> that folder - either it has another name or it's in a different
??>>>>> folder. --
??>>>>> Cheers
??>>>>> macropod
??>>>>> [Microsoft MVP - Word]
??>>>>> "colblip" <> wrote in message
??>>>>> ??>>>>>> Macropod,
??>>>>>> Thanks for the fieldtotxt item link. Here is my converted code,
??>>>>>> including the bold formatting code:
{ INCLUDEPICTURE "O:\\Pictures\\2009 Original Church
??>>>>>> Pictures\\
{ IF
{ MERGEFIELD "Full_Name"
??>>>>>> "" "NoPicture"
{ MERGEFIELD "Full_Name"
??>>>>>> Maybe this will help point out my error.
??>>>>>> Thanks.
??>>>>>> Colblip
??>>>>>>>>>> Macropod,
??>>>>>>>>>> Yes, I double checked to make sure and it is there with that
??>>>>>>>>>> name and is the 'picture' I want to add.
??>>>>>>>>>>>>> macropod,
??>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tried the code and result was correct picture for each
??>>>>>>>>>>>>> record that had a picture but for those that didn't rather
??>>>>>>>>>>>>> than NoPictureAvailable.jpg being used the picture from the
??>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous record is repeated.
??>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello, All!
??>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a directory I print for the church. In it I have
??>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> insert a picture of the family with the code
??>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {INCLUDEPICTURE "O:\\Pictures\\2009 Original Church
??>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pictures\\{ Mergefield "Full_Name"}.JPG" }. I would like
??>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to insert a standard NoPictureAvailable.jpg file if
??>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> there is no picture for the family in question. Is there
??>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a way to do this? Thanks,
??>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Colonel Blip
??>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail:
??>>>>>>>>>>>>>> With best regards, colblip. E-mail:
??>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello, macropod!
??>>>>>>>>>>>>> You wrote on Thu, 6 Aug 2009 11:26:13 +1000:
m>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You could use:
m>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {INCLUDEPICTURE "O:\\Pictures\\2009 Original Church
m>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pictures\\{IF{ Mergefield "Full_Name"}= ""
??>>>>>>> "NoPictureAvailable"
??>>>>>>>>>>> { m>>> Mergefield "Full_Name"}}.JPG" }
m>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
m>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
m>>>>>>>>>>>>>> macropod
m>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [Microsoft MVP - Word]
??>>>>>>>>>>> With best regards, colblip. E-mail:
??>>>>>>>>>> Hello, macropod!
??>>>>>>>>>> You wrote on Fri, 7 Aug 2009 09:35:14 +1000:
m>>>>>>>>>>> Do do actually have a jpg file named
??>>> 'NoPictureAvailable.jpg' in m>>>>>>>> O:\Pictures\2009 Original
??>>> Church Pictures\?
m>>>>>>>>>>> --
m>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
m>>>>>>>>>>> macropod
m>>>>>>>>>>> [Microsoft MVP - Word]
??>>>>>>> With best regards, colblip. E-mail:
??>>>>>> Hello, macropod!
??>>>>>> You wrote on Fri, 7 Aug 2009 21:06:27 -0500:
m>>>>>>> I checked, double checked, re-entered and checked again. Code
??>>> is as you m>>>> recommended. I then did a mail merge and alt-F9. The
??>>> photos
??>>>>>> that exist m> for each record show up correctly. However those
??>>>>>> records for which there m> is no photo, instead of the
??>>>>>> NoPictureAvailable.jpg showing in the code m> it is the
??>>>>>> Full_Name.jpg that is called for (which of course doesn't m>
??>>>>>> exist).
m>>>>>>> So for some reason the IF test is not responding correctly. Is
??>>>>>> there a m> way I can post a picture of the code for you (since
??>>>>>> I've yet to figure m> out how to copy the code exactly as entered
??>>>>>> and paste it here)?
m>>>>>>>> OK, select the whole output file (Ctrl-A) then press F9 to
??>>> update all m>>>>> the images. If the image that is supposed to be
??>>> represented by m>>>>> 'NoPictureAvailable.jpg' now shows, the only
??>>> problem was with
??>>> the field m>>>>> updates
m>>>>>>>> If the image that is supposed to be represented by
m>>>>>>>> 'NoPictureAvailable.jpg' doesn't now show the correct image,
??>>> the next m>>>>> step is to examine the output field code. To do that,
??>>> press
??>>>>>> Alt-F9 to m>> toggle the field display. Then check what's
??>>>>>> displayed in the field that m>> is supposed to show your
??>>>>>> 'NoPictureAvailable.jpg' image. If it's not m>> there, there's a
??>>>>>> problem in the way you've coded the IF test - you need m>> to pay
??>>>>>> careful attention to the use of spaces and double quote m>>
??>>>>>> characters. If it is there, you need to re-check the name in the
field m>>>>>>>> code against the file's name.
m>>>>>>>> --
m>>>>>>>> Cheers
m>>>>>>>> macropod
m>>>>>>>> [Microsoft MVP - Word]
m>>>>>>>> "colblip" <> wrote in message
??>>> With best regards, colblip. E-mail:
??>> Hello, macropod!
??>> You wrote on Sun, 9 Aug 2009 00:06:36 +1000:
m>>> Another possibility has occurred to me: your 'empty' picture name
record m>>> isn't really empty. You need to make the IF test test
??>> against whatever m> that field contains.
m>>> Do a test with:
m>>> *{MERGEFIELD "Full_Name"}*
m>>> and see what happens for the empty records. Whatever appears
??>> between the m> asterisks is what needs to go between the empty pair of
??>> double-quotes in m> the IF test.
m>>> --
m>>> Cheers
m>>> macropod
m>>> [Microsoft MVP - Word]
With best regards, colblip. E-mail: