Mailto: formatting reply



Outlook provides voting buttons, but they are useless if you have
anybody who uses a different mail client. So it is necessary to have
some alternatives.

One alternative is to send an URL that logs onto a web-page containing
the voting information. There are problems with this for a number of
reasons - you have to open up a web-browser, for one thing, and
different browsers behave differently. Also you then can't be certain
that the person voting is the same person you sent the e-mail to -
somebody else can create an URL that looks as if it is a vote from
another person - poor security.

So the best solution appears to use the 'mailto' command in your
e-mail. This can be part of html or raw. Here's an example:

mailto:[email protected]?subject=Vote%20user%20123456%20-%20Yes?&body=Enter%20Comment%20tex­t%20below:

The above works well (you have another line for the 'vote no', 'vote
abstain' or other options), you may have, as above, one agent e-mail
address per answer (e-mail address removed) or one agent for all answers.

So, what is the problem? The problem is the cursor. When I click onto
the above URL and have Outlook as my main e-mail client, the e-mail
comes up with the cursor positioned under the 'E' of 'Enter'. I'd like
it to come on the next line, or, better a two lines below the colon.

Sadly the obvious answer of adding a couple of line feeds %10 doesn't
work - these are converted, by the browser, into underscores.

What I really need is some way of getting html through to the other

Any suggestions?

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