There are only two ways to process form data -
1. Use mailto:
[email protected] as the action of the form
2. Use a server-side scripting method to a) harvest the form's data, b)
process it in some manner, e.g., enter it into a database, c) formulate and
send an email to one or more email recipients, and d) redirect the visitor
to some ending page
Method 1 is quite simple, and is also the least reliable. It depends both
on your visitor having an email client already installed on their computer -
this eliminates public computers, or home users without email clients
installed (more and more it seems) - and on the installed email client
responding to
the mailto call. It is not possible to use this method *and* send the
visitor to a
thank you page as well.
Method 2a is the preferred method, since it eliminates the problems of
1, but it means that you have to grapple with server-scripting somehow (ASP,
CF, PHP, perl, etc.).
Method 2b would be to use some third-party form processing, like
You would have to decide which of these methods is best for your needs,
but if it's Method 2a, then start by asking your host what they provide for
processing. If it's 2b, then read their FAQ/instructions carefully.