Hi, I was wondering if anyone else has had any problems with the index
feature horribly screwing up their document after you save, close and reopen.
I have a very graphically rich document, and I decided to mark a large
number of index entries using both the "Mark Entry" button and just using the
old Ctrl+F9 XE smart tag insert. I get my document index the way I want it
and review using the reading view. After saving and closing, the next time I
open the document. The page number and associated graphics are in multiple
spots on each page (in addition they all say page 1), there are random
section breaks every where, and extra return charaters inserted all over.
Essentially the whole document is junked! This is not a single occurance, I
had this happen 2 times in a row. If anyone has thought about using word
2007 to make an index, save yourself the trouble and do not until they fix
this bug!!! Or at least save a version of the file as I did before you do
feature horribly screwing up their document after you save, close and reopen.
I have a very graphically rich document, and I decided to mark a large
number of index entries using both the "Mark Entry" button and just using the
old Ctrl+F9 XE smart tag insert. I get my document index the way I want it
and review using the reading view. After saving and closing, the next time I
open the document. The page number and associated graphics are in multiple
spots on each page (in addition they all say page 1), there are random
section breaks every where, and extra return charaters inserted all over.
Essentially the whole document is junked! This is not a single occurance, I
had this happen 2 times in a row. If anyone has thought about using word
2007 to make an index, save yourself the trouble and do not until they fix
this bug!!! Or at least save a version of the file as I did before you do