MAJOR bug in undo.

  • Thread starter Grant Robertson
  • Start date

Grant Robertson

I just used undo to remove the most recent ink stroke and OneNote 2007
RTM Trial moved some of the ink I had written earlier and deleted some of
it. I just lost 30 minutes of my homework. Gone! It did not delete the
hundred or so ink strokes immediately before the one I intended to undo.
It skipped back quite a ways and deleted some back there. I was doing
math too so I will have to redo the whole thing.

This is a major data loss bug! They had better fix it quick!

No I can't replicate it reliably. But I do know that it DID do it. I
tapped Undo once and a major chunk of my work was gone. I think I got it
to do it again but I am not sure because you have to remember exactly
everything you wrote and I was only testing it with scribbles. I am
pretty sure one of my scribbles dissapeared but I am not positive. (Yes,
I AM ositive it did it the first time I KNOW I did write things the way
they are now on my original page.)

I am getting ready to post this on Connect right now.

Grant Robertson

I AM ositive it did it the first time I KNOW I did write things the way
they are now on my original page.)

I meant to say I did NOT write the things the way they are now.

Grant Robertson

I have switched back to the B2TR for now so I will not be able to trouble
shoot the Undo bug. I have finals the week after next and I just can't
afford to waste the time messing with it. After that I will have 34 days
free so I will have plenty of time to attempt to replicate the bug and
discover a sequence that may reliably cause it. Till then, I recommend
that people be very careful with the undo feature of ON 07 RTM.

Rainald Taesler

Grant Robertson shared these words of wisdom:
... I have finals the week after next and I
just can't afford to waste the time messing with it.

All the best and much success!



I'm not questioning whether or not this is a bug. I believe you. I want,
however, to make certain that it isn't a common bug that sounds VERY similar
to what you have described.

When I ink, and then paste a picture or a screen clipping, for instance, in
the middle of inked content, my inking is shifted all over the place--mostly
down, and sometimes to the left. Now, what is really weird is that sometimes
the file I paste (which can also be a hyperlink) can be at the very end of my
notes, and it will sometimes screw up the stuff higher up on the page. This
is where it sounds similar to your situation--if I press CTRL-Z (undo), text
is sent every which way. Sometimes it fixes it, other times it makes it all
together MUCH worse. If it made the shifted text worse, then pressing redo
(undo my undo) NEVER helps.

I generally only highlight--so I'm not quite as destroyed as you would be.
When this happens to me, I just use my lasso tool (actually, right click and
circle with my pen) and move everything to where it should be. If that
doesn't work, I open my backup.

Does this sound similar to your experience? I've used RTM now for over 20
hours without a hiccup that you are talking about (granted that it isn't the
same as the bug I just explained).


Grant Robertson

1viking1 said:
When I ink, and then paste a picture or a screen clipping, for instance, in
the middle of inked content, my inking is shifted all over the place--mostly
down, and sometimes to the left. Now, what is really weird is that sometimes
the file I paste (which can also be a hyperlink) can be at the very end of my
notes, and it will sometimes screw up the stuff higher up on the page. This
is where it sounds similar to your situation--if I press CTRL-Z (undo), text
is sent every which way. Sometimes it fixes it, other times it makes it all
together MUCH worse. If it made the shifted text worse, then pressing redo
(undo my undo) NEVER helps.

It does sound similar. It seems as if the ON 07 RTM does an even worse
job of keeping track of where things are and what order they were
created. The Undo list seems to be the worst.

Your picture pasting experience is almost normal. If you paste a large
object in the middle of other stuff it will move the other stuff around
in almost any program. The unpredictable nature of just how the stuff
gets moved around is due to the unpredicible nature of how OneNote groups
all the ink you create. It also depends on whether OneNote is in "Insert
Text" mode or "Inking" mode. However, the fact that it moves things much
further up on the page and the destructive Undo behavior appear to be the
common "features" of this bug.

Daniel Escapa [MS]

Thank you for posting this to Connect, it will give our test team something
to look at.

Take care Grant

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