Major linking problem



I will try to explain this in as much detail as possible and still make
sense. I built a DB for 36 Credit Managers (CM). The fields/ columns are
Current, 1-30, 30-60, 60-90, 90-180, 180-360 and 360+ over due. This works
sweet for the CM's.

My boss has an Excel spreadsheet called SUMMARY; the main page totals all
the CM's amounts by their CM number. In this spreadsheet it also has 36
worksheets for each of the CM's. Each CM's worksheet contains the above
criteria, for the months Jan.-Dec. He updates the 4 times a month. In this
SUMMARY spreadsheet I created a Pivot table to pull the info from my DB. The
Pivot table breaks down the CM's by their number and info. I then link each
cell (Current) etc. to the main SUMMARY page, and all he has to do is go to
the worksheet "named" refresh. This works beautifully.

The problem is I need to link the pivot table to each CM"s worksheet
individually for all the months and the 4 times a month Boss man runs it. I
can create the links, but when I hit refresh it will naturally change all the
cells linked. Is there anyway I can set this up so it will only change the
data for the last refresh. I'll show an example of the CM's individual
worksheet to see if I am making any sense.

Jan Current 1-30 30-60 60-90 90-180 180-360 360+

I can link CM01 info to each of the cells in these scheme, but everytime
it's refeshed it's going to change anything with the old data link to the new
refreshed info. I need to keep the info for 1/1-1/2, Current....360+ there
when I refresh for
1/3-1/9 and so forth. I know without seeing it is hard, but if anyone has an
idea, PLEASE help.

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