Major Missing feature in OneNote 2007: Grouping items (text, graphics, ink)


Group images (scans) and ink in Onenote

Mick McDonald Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 07:11:07 -0800
I receive many hand-written notes with sketched plans on them. I have
started using Onenote to keep track of these by scanning them and then
notating/highlighting the image. The problem comes when the image is
resized for better viewing or moved. Then my notes and highlights are
in the wrong place. I would like to be able to add the notes/
highlights to the image _and_ be able to edit those additions later,
but keep it all as one item for moving/resizing purposes.

Newsgroups: microsoft.public.onenote
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 14:13:04 -0800

This capability (to group objects on the page) doesn't exist in
OneNote. The
product team is aware of this request. Your scenario for using it is
certainly a reasonable and compelling one. Thanks for posting.

Lori Birtley {MS}

OneNote *NEEDS* a robust way to make sure INK is bound to the items
(graphics or Text) it was intended to be a part of. For business use,
this is a must. Business needs reliable information and OneNote
looks a little like a toy when you see the INK shifted away from it's
intended target.

In this respect, OneNote 2007 is not business ready.

The only Microsoft application that allows INK and Graphics and Text
to be bound together is the lowly Windows Journal. ( I have not tested
Word 2007 on Vista)

One supposed feature of OneNote 2007 is to print a document and INK on
top of it. Well, when the INK isn't bound to the printed document
this feature looks pretty unreliable.

Is grouping that hard ? OneNote 2007 needs grouping to in a service


One supposed feature of OneNote 2007 is to print a document and INK on
top of it. Well, when the INK isn't bound to the printed document
this feature looks pretty unreliable.

Why can't one make the scan a background image and ink on top of that -
this *should* keep the background picture stationary and the ink (as
loing as you are away from the edges) should behave.

At least this has worked for me - so far...

Why can't one make the scan a background image and ink on top of that -
this *should* keep the background picture stationary and the ink (as
loing as you are away from the edges) should behave.

At least this has worked for me - so far...

Hi xTenn. Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately the problem is
more severe than that and your suggestion does not work. Your
suggestion definitely makes it worse!

How to test.

(1) place an image in a OneNote. (Test A, set it as background,
Test B, don't set as background)
(2) ink on the image.
(3) insert a text box above the image
(4) hit return repeatedly in an attempt to move the ink.

As you will see ... the ink moves, and the picture stays still -
especially if the image is set as background.
In Test B, the ink *CAN* move with the image, sometimes. If often
does, but it's just not robust enough. I test this function sometimes
and it works well, the next test fails miserably. It's hard to figure
out what to do.

Another request I have is to allow INK to "embeddable" into a cell in
a Table. That would be very helpful to me.

When interviewing clients I'd like to have a table as a template. The
left most column would be the areas I have to cover to interview the
client. The right most column would be a "Notes" section where I ink
notes while talking to the client. If I add a row above my inking or
make the row above twice as long, I want the INK to stay in the Notes

I wish there was a OneNote Professional that functioned more like a
wiki/database with Objects that had functions that would integrate
more effectively with Office Products. I take notes for a reason and
I want the data to be usable. I struggle to find an application that
supports handwriting on my tablet effectively.

Oh, and I'd also like the ability to digitally sign a OneNote note and
lock it from further editing, unless unlocked.

However, I do love OneNote peer to peer synching. :)

Win Some / Lose Some.

xTenn said:
Hi xTenn. Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately the problem is
more severe than that and your suggestion does not work. Your
suggestion definitely makes it worse!

How to test.

(1) place an image in a OneNote. (Test A, set it as background,
Test B, don't set as background)
(2) ink on the image.
(3) insert a text box above the image
(4) hit return repeatedly in an attempt to move the ink.

As you will see ... the ink moves, and the picture stays still -
especially if the image is set as background.
In Test B, the ink *CAN* move with the image, sometimes. If often
does, but it's just not robust enough. I test this function sometimes
and it works well, the next test fails miserably. It's hard to figure
out what to do.

Ah, if you are mixing text with ink then yes that will not work. They
simply do not mix well - better in 2007, but still not well (as the need
for the lasso illustrates IMHO). I hate to say it, but I will try to
avoid using both when annotating/marking. This is not always possible
and/or probable.

BTW, Great suggestions for improvement. Keep them coming - makes things
better for me too. ;)

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