MAJOR problems with 2007 Filters



Is anyone else having major problems with Filters and actions
affecting hidden cells.

The problems I am having with filtered lists are that actions such as
FILL DOWN, DELETE, CLEARare being applied to both visible as well
as hidden cells.

It appears to be happening haphazardly, the only way I can tell if the
problem will happen is if I select a range of filtered rows that includes
visible and hidden rows, and right click. If I see "Delete Rows" then
there will be no problem. If I see "Delete" then cells filtered out
will be affected.

I spend all day every day working with XLS and it is a major irritation!

I never had this problem in XP.

Is it just me or is this a widespread bug. So many of my colleagues
have given up on 2007 and reverted back to XP - I dunna want to.

If it is a 2007 bug, has a patch been released yet?

Help please?


Hi Ron

I am always using Autofilter (the nature of the data I work with is pretty

Files are also backsaved saved in 97-2003 version.


Ron de Bruin

There are more reports about it but most of then with a table filter.
When you select also cells outside the filter range you have this problem then.

As a workaround you can do this

After you select your data use this shortcut to select only visible cells
Alt ;
Then delete or clear

Can you send me the workbook private then I look at it (I think tomorrow, late here)


Hi Ron

Happy to send you through an example, literally happening with every
spreadheet I work on, every day, but totally randomly.

It may well not replicate as , sometimes if I remove the filter, save the
file or file save as a new file name, add in the filer the problem goes away.

Again the only way I can tell if the prob will happen is if I select a range
of rows, and right click. If I see "Delete Rows" in the list, all is ok. If
I only see "Delete" then there will be a prob.

Will get some stuff together (including some screen grabs), how can I e-mail

1000 thanks for your interest in this, it is doing my head in!



You're not alone!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have the same problem. And also happening
haphazardly as you have explained.

The more I use Vs 2007 the more problems I have. I've finally resorted to
running the XP version as well, as it's SO MUCH FASTER in calculations,
etc., etc., etc.!!!!

Do you have Excel Ultimate or Professional?



PMC said:
Is anyone else having major problems with Filters and actions
affecting hidden cells.

The problems I am having with filtered lists are that actions such as
FILL DOWN, DELETE, CLEARare being applied to both visible as well
as hidden cells.

It appears to be happening haphazardly, the only way I can tell if the
problem will happen is if I select a range of filtered rows that includes
visible and hidden rows, and right click. If I see "Delete Rows" then
there will be no problem. If I see "Delete" then cells filtered out
will be affected.

I spend all day every day working with XLS and it is a major irritation!

I never had this problem in XP.

Is it just me or is this a widespread bug. So many of my colleagues
have given up on 2007 and reverted back to XP - I dunna want to.

If it is a 2007 bug, has a patch been released yet?

Help please?

I have the same issues that you have eloquently described. I cannot trust
Excel 2007 with any edits to any filtered data, ans these edits are also
affecting the hidden data. This is a major frustration for me.

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