Major problems with Outlook Calendar crashing/no alarms


Keith E Rice

Set-up: Outlook 2007 with BCM integrated with Accounting Professional 2008
SP1, running on Vista Home Premium. (Office SPS intalled upto 3.)

For about a month now I've had problems with Outlook crashing when I click
on it to create a new appointment or open an existing one. It doesn't crash
every single time but more often than not - and it's getting much worse. This
evening I've had to restart Outlook 7 times just to get to open an existing

For the past fortnight I've had no alarms. The reminders window shows as
empty and says there are no reminders. (All my appointments and many of my
Tasks have reminders!)

The To-Do Bar doesn't show Tasks - though that option is selected -
althought it shows the monthly calendar and the next 2 appointments.

On Office Today everything shows OK, including the Tasks, but the reminders
still don't work.

A UK-based Microsoft techie got me to run the cleanreminders - no effect. We
tried creating a new .pst file. Calendar still crashed...and the techie seems
to have given up.

Anybody got any ideas...PLEASE!!! I love Outlook for all the integration but
I am beginning to wish I'd stuck with ACT!


Diane Poremsky {MVP}

try the /cleanviews switch and clear the forms cache.

** Please include your Outlook version, Account type, and Windows Version
when requesting assistance **

Keith E Rice

Thanks, Diane. Tried it twice. Made no difference whatsover to any of the
multiple problems I've got.

Anything else you can sugguest, please.

Keith E Rice - SocioPsychologist
Associate of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy
Author of ''''Knowing Me, Knowing You'''' (2006)

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