Make a Access form button that opens a particular file



How do I program a button in an Access form that will open a MapPoint FILE.
Inside of MapPoint, I have multiple map files ex: c:\MyMap.ptm
How can I open that particular file using an Access button on a form?



You could try this via the shell command

Shell("C:\directory where mappoint resides \mappoint executable here.EXE", 1)

explanation: you need to provide the full pathname with the executable from
the program and besides that you can provide the file name to open it. The
one ate the end shows the state of the program windowwise...

So I don't know the directory structure but copy this from the explorer
address bar to get it completely right.


Graham Mandeno

Hi Barry

I don't know anything about MapPoint, but generally if you can open a file
by double-clicking it in Explorer, then you can use FollowHyperlink:

Application.FollowHyperlink "c:\MyMap.ptm"

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