Make a Backup that is user friendly and does backup everything!!!



Why can't microsoft actually make a user friendly program that does the full
job easily?
You make a backup for Outlook ... but it only backups some things ... why
You have to backup Message Rules ... seperately ... why not via the backup
program ??????
You try to re-install the contacts and comes in as a new contact list ...
not the main contacts ... you have to then manually move each name into the
main contact list .... why ????? (you can't select a group of names or all
names Ctrl+a)
Everything Microsoft makes is so un-user friendly, it would appear they
don't test on people outsode their fold or don't listen to what is said ....
Grow up and try and make something work for a change !!!!!!!

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Roady [MVP]

When making a suggestion you might want to leave the ranting to your
personal blog only.

I've got no idea what process you are refering to but I can assure you that
the process you described is not needed. You can simply make backups and
transfer settings by using the Save My Settings Wizard from Office, the
Files and Settings Transfer Wizard from Windows XP or the backup facility in
Windows XP. Ever tried one of these? You might want to comment on them in a
more constructive way so they might be actually usefull for consideration in
a future release.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

Why can't microsoft actually make a user friendly program that does the full
job easily?
You make a backup for Outlook ... but it only backups some things ... why
You have to backup Message Rules ... seperately ... why not via the backup
program ??????
You try to re-install the contacts and comes in as a new contact list ...
not the main contacts ... you have to then manually move each name into the
main contact list .... why ????? (you can't select a group of names or all
names Ctrl+a)
Everything Microsoft makes is so un-user friendly, it would appear they
don't test on people outsode their fold or don't listen to what is said ....
Grow up and try and make something work for a change !!!!!!!

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