i have used the macro recorder in excel 2007 to created several sheet
specific (page view) macros. however, when i run the macro from another page
in the workbook, it shows those cells I have selected *from the current
for example, if i run the Sales Table macro while in the documentation
sheet, the macro previews the Sales Table cells (the ones i selected when
creating the macro) but directly from the documentation sheet.
obviously i am new to this, and i am NOT working with VB, lol. Thank you in
specific (page view) macros. however, when i run the macro from another page
in the workbook, it shows those cells I have selected *from the current
for example, if i run the Sales Table macro while in the documentation
sheet, the macro previews the Sales Table cells (the ones i selected when
creating the macro) but directly from the documentation sheet.
obviously i am new to this, and i am NOT working with VB, lol. Thank you in