Make a PDA (hand held) version of ONE NOTE. It would sell!!!!!



As a teacher who trains others to use computers in the classroom and who
teaches study skills to mid-schoolers. A PDA version of ONE NOTE would be
fantastic for both teachers and students.

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suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
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Ben M. Schorr - MVP

As a teacher who trains others to use computers in the classroom and who
teaches study skills to mid-schoolers. A PDA version of ONE NOTE would
fantastic for both teachers and students.

Yes, that is one of the more popular (and difficult to achieve) requests
for OneNote. I can assure you it's on the wishlist, we'll just have to
wait and see if Microsoft is able to achieve it.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
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