make a spending tracker sheet



I am making a workbook to track my spending

this workbook is comprised of four sheets
"sheet1" is used to enter raw data as money is spent
"sheet2" is a category sheet used to populate a drop down menu in the
category column in "sheet1"
sheet three is a sheet that is dynamically updated by caegory when data is
typed into sheet 1
"sheet4" is a monthly budget sheet

for example on sheet one I have the following columns.

Date Transaction Category Amount Spent

Lets say that I have purchased a bottle of oil from Ricks Auto. I would
enter the data in sheet1.

Ballance as of 1/1/2008
Date Transaction Category Amount Spent
1/23/2008 Ricks Auto Auto $1.50

After I enter this transaction I press a button and the computer looks at
this row and sorts this transaction out as a transaction in the "Auto"
category it copies the data and places it in a preformated table on "sheet3".
"Sheet3" is set up something like this

Categoty: auto

Forcasted Amount To Spend $120
Date Transaction Amount Spent Ballance
1/23/2008 Ricks Auto $1.50 $118.50

The Forcasted Amount is brought in from the budget sheet "sheet4"

These tables are set up for each category and will be set up only when a
button is pressed.

I am rather new to programming excel and would like some pointers in the
right direction. I've taken a look at pivot tables, but can't seem to get
them to form in the fromat that I want. Is there any one out there that can
point me in the right direction to making this sheet work. Thnak you in


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