Make Calendar events default to specific project


Bruce McL

I'm looking for a way to automatically assign a shared project to every
calendar event. Some of these events will be entered in Entourage, some
entered on a Treo 600 and synced into Entourage.

The best way I can think of to do this is use Entourage to schedule a script
to run every 10 or 15 minutes. The script would find all calendar events
that are not assigned to the shared project and assign them to the shared
project. The calendar is very full and goes back several years but there
will be few new events added at any given time.

Is there a better way to do this?

Will a script like the one I described slow down Entourage?
If so, perhaps the script could limit it's searching to events that are less
than a month old. I doubt the calendar will be changed a month in the past.

I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me out with this. I have an
office of about 10 people and we are starting to use the project sharing
feature of Entourage. Once we get some experience I'll try to post some tips
and suggestions here.

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