Make Command Button un-printable



Is there a way to make the Command button (from Design) un-
printable so to speak, I want the command button to show
up on a form to excecute a command but do not want it to


Thanks Jonathan, but I was more looking for a command that
Saves a document. I have all the commands written already
but can not hide the button when I go through normal
printing routine. Perhaps I can use your sujjestion if I
cound have a prompt to print rather than print directly.
Can that be done?

Thanks ADO

Jonathan West

Thanks Jonathan, but I was more looking for a command that
Saves a document. I have all the commands written already
but can not hide the button when I go through normal
printing routine. Perhaps I can use your sujjestion if I
cound have a prompt to print rather than print directly.
Can that be done?

Thanks ADO


To show the print dialog instead of printing directly, change this line

.PrintOut Background:=False

to this


Note that the second line doesn't have a dot at the start.

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