Make entry in outlook calendar automatically when mail is send



hi to all

i have some problem please anyone help me out

i have to send a mail having entries date, venue in the mail, but i
have to make entry in receiver's outlook calendar. Depending on the
date it should automatically enter the detail and timing in the
receiver's outlook calendar......

Can somebody help me out...

Thanks in advance...

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Send a meeting request then, there's no way to automatically force a
recipient's computer to do anything with a received email like you want.
Even then it's up to the user settings whether the meeting request is
automatically processed.

The only other option is to write code that each recipient would have to run
to trap incoming items and if they meet a specific criteria create the
calendar item.


can you give me some sample code for htat..i am not
that i do not konw how to write a pgm and where to write it...

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

As I said, what you really need to do is have code to run on each
recipient's machine. That means a COM addin, for distribution purposes.

If you're not a programmer at all then a COM addin really isn't practical
without a lot of learning on your part. You can start at the COM addin
information at, but I think you'd really be better off
hiring someone to write the addin for you.

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