Make it easy to create a customize style or theme set in Word 07



We have used Word since it's first Windows version and routinely use styles
and other custom elements to achieve our desired company look and feel.
While the new interface in 07 makes it easy to select various MS designed
preset styles, it seems to make the process of creating one company
customized style that would be reflected in one for all to use
maddeningly difficult to achieve. For example, determining how to make a
change and save it to the is clear in some places and very
difficult to figure out how to do elsewhere. I believe it would help if
there were more in this upgrade that helps the experienced user get back to
the high level formatting ability they had before, instead of optimizing
entirely for newbies alone.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
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click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Graham Mayor

The normal template for Word 2007 is normal.dotm. You cannot share the file among multiple users in Word so a better option would be to
create a document template (or templates) containing the styles you need for
your company documents and train the users to use the company document

If you click Alt + Ctrl + Shift + S (or the arrow bottom right of the styles
group on the home tab), the styles dialog will open from which you can
modify or create styles. If you want the new/modified styles to be available
for all documents, check the box on the style modify/create dialog "New
documents based on this template" and save the template when prompted.

Note also that you can still use your Word 2003 document templates in Word
2007 with few exceptions.

Please note also that Word 2007 is Word 12 and not Word 07. Word 07 is Word
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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