Make Microsoft Word compatible with ACT


East Side

We use an older version of ACT. Because we have had MS continual
updates, my ACT program will not recognize MS-Word, therefore I cannot do any
word documents from ACT, Set up any Templates for letters, ETC. The ACT word
processor is very poor. Is it possible to go back to an oldler version of
MS-Word only to be able to us Word for my documents within ACT, until we get
the more recent version of ACT? (which is out of my control at this point).

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?RWFzdCBTaWRl?=,
We use an older version of ACT. Because we have had MS continual
updates, my ACT program will not recognize MS-Word, therefore I cannot do any
word documents from ACT, Set up any Templates for letters, ETC. The ACT word
processor is very poor. Is it possible to go back to an oldler version of
MS-Word only to be able to us Word for my documents within ACT, until we get
the more recent version of ACT? (which is out of my control at this point).
You'll need to ask your IT department about that (I'm assuming there is one,
since you have no control over the version of ACT you're using). If they allow
it, they'd need to first remove the current version of Word, install the old
one, then reinstall the new one. But it's not said that ACT would correctly
recognize and use the older one, if present.

It might make more sense, if there's an older machine around that no one is
using, to dedicate it to "legacy programs". Then you'd have to use that when you
need ACT.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi East Side,

The problem with Act! 2000 (v5) is basically that the Act Add-in is now an antique. The Act! program has been through several
'owners' since the original folks and they dropped any WordPerfect interface and didn't do a really good job of testing/maintaining
the Add-in that ties Act and Word together. In some cases, something that works from Act on one day or one run will not work the
next time you use it.

The current versions of Act (v7 & v8)were rewrites of the entire program and take quite a bit more 'horsepower' in a computer to
From your version number it appears that you may not have all of the Act v5 updates installed from the Support=>Download links from As a minimum you should be at v5.04.495. Unfortunately that only corrects the add-in to work up through Word 2002.
If your company has an older version of MS Word then, as Cindy suggests, you may want to use that separately.

We use an older version of ACT. Because we have had MS continual
updates, my ACT program will not recognize MS-Word, therefore I cannot do any
word documents from ACT, Set up any Templates for letters, ETC. The ACT word
processor is very poor. Is it possible to go back to an oldler version of
MS-Word only to be able to us Word for my documents within ACT, until we get
the more recent version of ACT? (which is out of my control at this point).>>

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