Make mouse over event (tooltip) for view mode in Visio



I've made a process diagramme, which other users only will be able to see in
full screen/view mode. In order to help them navigate, I would like to have a
tool tip attached to a certain shape, which occurs, when you place the mouse
over that shape.

Until now I've found out, that you can only create mouse over events, for
edit mode - not for full screen mode. Is this correct - or is there a
specific shape, that contain this specifik property - or is there another
solution - for instance macro?

Chris [Visio MVP]

If you used the Visio ActiveX control, then the thing would be wrapped in
your own application, at which point you might be able to get some sort of
pop-up to work, or leave a small space at the edge of the screen for
mouse-over info. But in built-in Visio full-screen mode, I don't think
there's much you can do.

Shapes do have a Comment cell in the Miscellaneous section (or Insert >
Shape Screentip) that gives a mouse-over tooltip-style pop-up that might be
enough for you, if it's just a small amount of text. This might be your
easiest route.

Another option is to massage the html/xml/javascript output files when doing
a Save As Web. I've been able to get custom pop-up windows to appear in
web-exported Visio diagrams, but then you lose the Visio interactions...

David P (Visio MVP)

Don't forget that you can have SmartTags too in the Visio document, which can
appear on mouse over or shape select. This is not available when saved as
web page though


Chirs -
I am able to add the screen tip to the object but when I save as web page
the tool tip does not show. What am I doing wrong?

Al Edlund

short answer, you're doing nothing wrong.
This from Mark Nelson posted earlier

I know many people have asked this question, and it has been partially
answered previously. Here is a more complete explanation.

You can add the User.visEquivTitle cell to your shape and provide a string
that will display as a tooltip in the web output. The shape must also have
at least one custom property for the tooltip to be visible.

1) Select the shape in your drawing that you want to add a web tooltip for
2) Go to Window > Show Shapesheet
3) Go to Insert > Section, check User-defined cells and click OK
4) In the newly created section, click on the row name User.Row_1 to select
the title of the row
5) Type visEquivTitle and press Enter - you should now see
User.visEquivTitle for the row
6) In the Value cell of that row, enter the text you want to display
surrounded by quotes (e.g. "Hello World")
7) If you instead want to display the same tooltip as the Shape ScreenTip
enter =Comment (no quotes)
8) Go to Insert > Section, check Custom properties and click OK
9) You can fill in the custom property Label and Value if you want this
information to be visible
10) If you don't want the custom property to be visible, enter TRUE in the
Invisible cell
11) Close the Shapesheet window and repeat for any other shape you like
12) Choose File > Save as Web Page to create the HTML output

As you can see this is a bit involved. The capability was designed more as
a developer feature than an end user feature. I recommend tying the Shape
ScreenTip to the User cell so that you see the same tooltip in both Visio
and the web output. It should also be possible to use Macro Recorder to
automate these steps. If your shape has a custom property but does not have
the User.visEquivTitle cell, Visio will display the shape's text in a
tooltip instead.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


Al - that worked but now I need to know how to increase the character limit.
I only see about 50 characters. Is that my limit?

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