Make offset visible


David Thielen


For a given offset (Range.Start), how can I tell Word to make that
position visible?

thanks - dave


In a couple of posts you are using 'offset' in an apparentely odd sense.
Offset from what?Are you asking how to ensure that a given range is within
the display window? If so, make sure that you are in Print view, then check
the Information() property.

David Thielen

Yes, by offset I mean the vaule returned from Range.Start. But my
problem is not to see if an offset is visible, but how to make it
visible. Can that be done?

thanks - dave


I still don't understand what you mean by 'offset'. The value returned by
Range.start is the start of a range, as a character count from start of
document if you are within the MainStory. The information property will tell
(if you are in print view) whether or not the range is displayed; and if not
whether you need to scroll up or down to make it visible.

Or simpler, just Goto the range: that selects it, which necessarily makes it

Jonathan West

David Thielen said:

For a given offset (Range.Start), how can I tell Word to make that
position visible?

Do you mean select it, or simply ensure that the range is visible on the
editing window.

For selecting the range, use the Select method of the range. For just making
itvisible, use the ScrollintoView method.

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