I may have found something and thought you would be interested. I found
this online (see below). I am using Outlook 2007 though. So I will have to
put something different in the registry. Do you know what I should put. I
checked my registry and it does say outlook express under this key so this
may work if I can change the registry properly. I will back it up. Thanks,
Check to see if the MailTo protocol in the registry is pointing to windows
mail. You can manually change it there. I still cannot get outlook to be in
the default programs list but i finally got mine working:
if you click start and type "regedit" without the quotations in start search
press enter and then press continue if you have user account control on.
browse to the following registry key by doubleclicking each folder:
Right click the Mailto folder and choose export. Save it as mailto in your
documents folder or on your desktop. just in case you need to restore this
Backing it up is optional but once you delete or change anything in your
registry there is no undo button. So i strongly recommend backing it up.
Now click:
Doubleclick where it says Default.
What is this set to?
If it is set to windows mail, delete what is in there and copy and paste
this command in there WITH the quotation marks:

rogram FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice11OUTLOOK.EXE" -c IPM.Note /m "%1"
After that you should be able to click a link and have the mail to come up
in outlook instead of windows mail. This is also assuming your outlook 2003
is installed in the default directory and you are able to send and receive
with outlook.
Respond if you have any problems with it.