I've written a sub which I thought would toggle the visibility of the
stencils, but it doesn't work. If anyone could shed some light on why it
doesn't work the way I thought it would, I'd be most appreciative.
here's the code...
Public Sub HideStencilsForDocument(objWindow As Visio.Window, bHideIt As
Dim w As Window, wsub As Window
Dim i As Integer
Dim Count As Integer
Dim objWindows As Visio.Windows
Dim StencilCount As Integer
Set objWindows = objWindow.Windows
Count = objWindows.Count
i = 1
While Count >= i
Set wsub = objWindows(i)
If wsub.Type = visDockedStencilBuiltIn Then
If bHideIt Then
wsub.Visible = False
wsub.Visible = True
End If
i = i + 1
i = i + 1
End If
end sub
stencils, but it doesn't work. If anyone could shed some light on why it
doesn't work the way I thought it would, I'd be most appreciative.
here's the code...
Public Sub HideStencilsForDocument(objWindow As Visio.Window, bHideIt As
Dim w As Window, wsub As Window
Dim i As Integer
Dim Count As Integer
Dim objWindows As Visio.Windows
Dim StencilCount As Integer
Set objWindows = objWindow.Windows
Count = objWindows.Count
i = 1
While Count >= i
Set wsub = objWindows(i)
If wsub.Type = visDockedStencilBuiltIn Then
If bHideIt Then
wsub.Visible = False
wsub.Visible = True
End If
i = i + 1
i = i + 1
End If
end sub