Make Table Query error


Mark A. Sam

I am trying to run this make table query and and gettig the following error:

Query input must contain at least one table or query.

I copied this from the QBE grid and modified it slightly. Before the
mofications the error appeared. I also took out a where clause which has
miltiple criteria, until I can get the basic query running.

CurrentDb.Execute "SELECT [Order Entry ST Products].detProdCode, Sum([Order
Entry ST Tasks].prodTaskTime) AS SumTaskTime INTO
EmpTasksSpecialProjectSumTaskTimeTemp" & _
"FROM (Customers INNER JOIN ([Order Entry Header] INNER
JOIN [Order Entry ST Products] ON [Order Entry Header].ordID = [Order Entry
ST Products].ordID) ON Customers.Custid = [Order Entry Header].ordCustID)
INNER JOIN [Order Entry ST Tasks] ON [Order Entry ST Products].ordDetID =
[Order Entry ST Tasks].ordDetID" & _
"GROUP BY [Order Entry ST Products].detProdCode" & _
"HAVING ([Order Entry ST Products].detProdCode)=" &
setProductFilter() & ";"

Thanks for any help,

Mark A. Sam

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