make table query SQL


Dave F

I'm reviewing a db sent to me by a colleague. It appears to have a make
table query in it, with the following SQL:

SELECT tblELR.ID, tblELR.[Effective Date], "N/A" AS [Asset Number],
tblELR.Description, tblELR.Vendor, "N/A" AS [Manufacturer Name], [Amount
DR]-[Account CR] AS Cost, Null AS CurrentUnits, Null AS [Deprn Amount], Null
AS [Deprn Reserve], Null AS Nbv, Null AS [Life In Months], "N/A" AS [Location
Key], "N/A" AS [Location Description], "One-time expense" AS [Major
Category], "N/A" AS [Minor Category], "N/A" AS [Serial Number], " N/A" AS
[Tag Number], Null AS [Ytd Deprn], " One-time service" AS [Asset Type], "N/A"
AS [Book Type Code], tblELR.Corp, tblELR.Expense, tblELR.[Manager 1],
tblELR.[Manager 2], tblELR.Account, "N/A" AS [Deprn Expense Account], "N/A"
AS [Deprn Reserve Account], tblELR.Entity, "N/A" AS [Tax Location Code],
"N/A" AS [Accounting Key], "N/A" AS [Asset Key], "N/A" AS [Project Number],
tblELR.[Effective Date] AS [Creation date], tblELR.[Invoice Date],
tblELR.Invoice, Null AS PONumber, "N/A" AS [Payable Batch Name], "ELR" AS
[Feeder System Name], tblELR.[Amount DR], tblELR.[Account CR], 2 AS
ExpenseType, 0 AS MPRLineID INTO [ELR Records to Add]

I'm assuming the clause INTO [ELR Records to Add] is the SQL equivalent of
"put this data into a new table called ELR Records to Add." But when I view
the query design in the design view mode (as opposed to the SQL view) I don't
see any indication of this INTO clause. What am I missing?


When you are in design view, click on query type at the top. It will
indicate that it's a make table query. From there, you should be able to see
the table name that is used for the make table query.

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