Make Table Query...wrong field type.


Lynn Pennington

I am using SQL 2000 and Access 2000.

I have a stored procedure that I execute via Access and I
put the result set into a Access table.

The problem is when I run the stored procedure on SQL the
number fields are correct ##.####. In the Access the
table the number fields are changed to a currency field
type $##.##.

Is there something I need to set on the Access side to get
the correct field type?


Tom Ellison

Dear Lynn:

Is the table into which you're inserting these rows also in SQL 2K, or
is it a Jet table? What is the spec of the source column in SQL 2K?

Generally, I would try to have the destination table in SQL 2K as
well, and use the same spec for the destination column.

Tom Ellison
Microsoft Access MVP
Ellison Enterprises - Your One Stop IT Experts

Tom Ellison

Dear Lynn:

If you have already created an Access (Jet?) table to receive the
insertions, and the column in question is being stored there as
currency, then it would seem you must have declared this column in the
Access (Jet?) table to be currency. Try changing that column in the
Access table to whatever other datatype you want.

Tom Ellison
Microsoft Access MVP
Ellison Enterprises - Your One Stop IT Experts

Lynn Pennington

This is the current statement I have.

qmak_MilesFrom: Make Table Query
SELECT * INTO tbl_MilesFrom
FROM qspt_MilesFrom;

Not sure how to change the column in a SELECT statment.
I will start here.

Tom Ellison

Dear Lynn:

There's the problem. You have NO control over data types if you use a
make table. Instead, create the table manually and just INSERT the
rows into data types you've already selected. Delete all the existing
rows first if necessary.

Tom Ellison
Microsoft Access MVP
Ellison Enterprises - Your One Stop IT Experts


Thanks, Lynn.
-----Original Message-----
Dear Lynn:

There's the problem. You have NO control over data types if you use a
make table. Instead, create the table manually and just INSERT the
rows into data types you've already selected. Delete all the existing
rows first if necessary.

Tom Ellison
Microsoft Access MVP
Ellison Enterprises - Your One Stop IT Experts


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