Making a browser window open on top using VBA


Bill Cunningham

I'm using VBA within a Word doc to link to an application
that resides on an intranet. The VBA passes a query string
to the other application, and opens an instance of that
application through an Internet Explorer Browser Window.

My problem is, the browser window opens underneath any
other windows that are currently open, but I need it to
open on top.

This is the code I'm using to call the other app:

LinkToWebApplication WEB_PAGE_ADDRESS & "?" &

Is there some trick I can add to this to insure that the
web page opens up on top of any other windows?


Bill Cunningham

Apologies, this question was phrased incorrectly. The code
that actually calls the web site is:

ThisDocument.FollowHyperlink address, subAddress, True

The "True" is for the "New Window" property that will
cause the link to open in a new browser window.

The problem is, on some users' machines, this opens
politely on top of all other windows, while on other
users' it opens the new window rudely underneath other
open windows, so it seems to these users that nothing has

Is there any way to insure that the window opens on top
all the time?


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