George Andrews
Excel 2000
I have the following code and I would like to make the function available in
all workbooks that I choose to create. How do I need to change the code or
where do I need to place this code in order for this to happen.
At the moment the function appears in the User Defined list but with a
reference to the original file location.
Thanks in advance for your help.
George Andrews.
Private BarTextOut As String
Private BarTextIn As String
Private BarTextInA As String
Private BarTextInB As String
Private TempString As String
Private BarCodeOut As String
Private Sum As Long
Private II As Integer
Private ThisChar As String
Private CharValue As Long
Private CheckSumValue As Integer
Private CheckSum As String
Private Subset As Integer
Private StartChar As String
Private Weighting As Integer
Private UCC As Integer
Public Function Bar128A(BarTextInA As String) As String
Bar128A = Bar128AB(BarTextInA, 0)
End Function
' This function converts a string into a format compatible with Elfring
' Fonts Inc bar codes. This conversion is for UCC/EAN, subset A only.
' It adds the two start characters, scans and converts data, adds a checksum
' and a stop character. Note that lower case letters are interpreted as
' characters in subset A!
Public Function Bar128Aucc(BarTextInA As String) As String
' Add FNC1 to beginning of string
TempString = Chr(172) & BarTextInA
Bar128Aucc = Bar128AB(TempString, 0)
End Function
' This function converts a string into a format compatible with Elfring
' Fonts Inc bar codes. This conversion is for subset B only. It adds the
' start character, scans and converts data, adds a checksum and a stop
' character.
Public Function Bar128B(BarTextInB As String) As String
Bar128B = Bar128AB(BarTextInB, 1)
End Function
' This function converts a string into a format compatible with Elfring
' Fonts Inc bar codes. This conversion is for UCC/EAN, subset B only.
' It adds the two start characters, scans and converts data, adds a checksum
' and a stop character.
Public Function Bar128Bucc(BarTextInB As String) As String
' Add FNC1 to beginning of string
TempString = Chr(172) & BarTextInB
Bar128Bucc = Bar128AB(TempString, 1)
End Function
' Convert input string to bar code 128 A or B format, Pass Subset 0 = A, 1 =
Public Function Bar128AB(BarTextIn As String, Subset As Integer) As String
' Initialize input and output strings
BarTextOut = ""
BarTextIn = RTrim(LTrim(BarTextIn))
' Set up for the subset we are in
If Subset = 0 Then
Sum = 103
StartChar = "{"
Sum = 104
StartChar = "|"
End If
' Calculate the checksum, mod 103 and build output string
For II = 1 To Len(BarTextIn)
'Find the ASCII value of the current character
ThisChar = (Asc(Mid(BarTextIn, II, 1)))
'Calculate the bar code 128 value
If ThisChar < 123 Then
CharValue = ThisChar - 32
CharValue = ThisChar - 70
End If
'add this value to sum for checksum work
Sum = Sum + (CharValue * II)
'Now work on output string, no spaces in TrueType fonts
If Mid(BarTextIn, II, 1) = " " Then
BarTextOut = BarTextOut & Chr(174)
BarTextOut = BarTextOut & Mid(BarTextIn, II, 1)
End If
Next II
' Find the remainder when Sum is divided by 103
CheckSumValue = (Sum Mod 103)
' Translate that value to an ASCII character
If CheckSumValue > 90 Then
CheckSum = Chr(CheckSumValue + 70)
ElseIf CheckSumValue > 0 Then
CheckSum = Chr(CheckSumValue + 32)
CheckSum = Chr(174)
End If
'Build ouput string, trailing space is for Windows rasterization bug
BarCodeOut = StartChar & BarTextOut & CheckSum & "~ "
'Return the string
Bar128AB = BarCodeOut
End Function
' This function converts a string into a format compatible with Elfring
' Fonts Inc bar codes. This conversion is for subset C only. It adds the
' start character, throws away any non-numeric data, adds a leading zero if
' there aren't an even number of digits, scans and converts data into data
' pairs, adds a checksum and a stop character.
Public Function Bar128C(BarTextIn As String) As String
Bar128C = Bar128SubsetC(BarTextIn, 0)
End Function
' This function converts a string into a format compatible with Elfring
' Fonts Inc bar codes. This conversion is for UCC/EAN subset C only. It adds
' the two start characters, throws away any non-numeric data, adds a leading
' zero if there aren't an even number of digits, scans and converts data
' data pairs, adds a checksum and a stop character.
Public Function Bar128Cucc(BarTextIn As String) As String
Bar128Cucc = Bar128SubsetC(BarTextIn, 1)
End Function
' Convert input string to bar code 128 C format, Pass UCC 0 = no, 1 = yes
Public Function Bar128SubsetC(BarTextIn As String, UCC As Integer) As String
' Initialize input and output strings
BarTextOut = ""
BarTextIn = RTrim(LTrim(BarTextIn))
' Throw away non-numeric data
TempString = ""
For i = 1 To Len(BarTextIn)
If IsNumeric(Mid(BarTextIn, i, 1)) Then
TempString = TempString & Mid(BarTextIn, i, 1)
End If
Next i
' If not an even number of digits, add a leading 0
If (Len(TempString) Mod 2) = 1 Then
TempString = "0" & TempString
End If
' If UCC = 0, then normal start, otherwise UCC/EAN start
If UCC = 0 Then
Sum = 105
StartChar = "}"
Weighting = 1
Sum = 207
StartChar = "}²"
Weighting = 2
End If
' Calculate the checksum, mod 103 and build output string
For i = 1 To Len(TempString) Step 2
'Break string into pairs of digits and get value
CharValue = Mid(TempString, i, 2)
'Multiply value times weighting and add to sum
Sum = Sum + (CharValue * Weighting)
Weighting = Weighting + 1
'translate value to ASCII and save in BarTextOut
If CharValue < 90 Then
BarTextOut = BarTextOut & Chr(CharValue + 33)
ElseIf CharValue < 171 Then
BarTextOut = BarTextOut & Chr(CharValue + 71)
BarTextOut = BarTextOut & Chr(CharValue + 76)
End If
Next i
' Find the remainder when Sum is divided by 103
CheckSumValue = (Sum Mod 103)
' Translate that value to an ASCII character
If CheckSumValue < 90 Then
CheckSum = Chr(CheckSumValue + 33)
ElseIf CheckSumValue < 100 Then
CheckSum = Chr(CheckSumValue + 71)
CheckSum = Chr(CheckSumValue + 76)
End If
'Build ouput string, trailing space for Windows rasterization bug
BarCodeOut = StartChar & BarTextOut & CheckSum & "~ "
'Return the string
Bar128SubsetC = BarCodeOut
End Function
I have the following code and I would like to make the function available in
all workbooks that I choose to create. How do I need to change the code or
where do I need to place this code in order for this to happen.
At the moment the function appears in the User Defined list but with a
reference to the original file location.
Thanks in advance for your help.
George Andrews.
Private BarTextOut As String
Private BarTextIn As String
Private BarTextInA As String
Private BarTextInB As String
Private TempString As String
Private BarCodeOut As String
Private Sum As Long
Private II As Integer
Private ThisChar As String
Private CharValue As Long
Private CheckSumValue As Integer
Private CheckSum As String
Private Subset As Integer
Private StartChar As String
Private Weighting As Integer
Private UCC As Integer
Public Function Bar128A(BarTextInA As String) As String
Bar128A = Bar128AB(BarTextInA, 0)
End Function
' This function converts a string into a format compatible with Elfring
' Fonts Inc bar codes. This conversion is for UCC/EAN, subset A only.
' It adds the two start characters, scans and converts data, adds a checksum
' and a stop character. Note that lower case letters are interpreted as
' characters in subset A!
Public Function Bar128Aucc(BarTextInA As String) As String
' Add FNC1 to beginning of string
TempString = Chr(172) & BarTextInA
Bar128Aucc = Bar128AB(TempString, 0)
End Function
' This function converts a string into a format compatible with Elfring
' Fonts Inc bar codes. This conversion is for subset B only. It adds the
' start character, scans and converts data, adds a checksum and a stop
' character.
Public Function Bar128B(BarTextInB As String) As String
Bar128B = Bar128AB(BarTextInB, 1)
End Function
' This function converts a string into a format compatible with Elfring
' Fonts Inc bar codes. This conversion is for UCC/EAN, subset B only.
' It adds the two start characters, scans and converts data, adds a checksum
' and a stop character.
Public Function Bar128Bucc(BarTextInB As String) As String
' Add FNC1 to beginning of string
TempString = Chr(172) & BarTextInB
Bar128Bucc = Bar128AB(TempString, 1)
End Function
' Convert input string to bar code 128 A or B format, Pass Subset 0 = A, 1 =
Public Function Bar128AB(BarTextIn As String, Subset As Integer) As String
' Initialize input and output strings
BarTextOut = ""
BarTextIn = RTrim(LTrim(BarTextIn))
' Set up for the subset we are in
If Subset = 0 Then
Sum = 103
StartChar = "{"
Sum = 104
StartChar = "|"
End If
' Calculate the checksum, mod 103 and build output string
For II = 1 To Len(BarTextIn)
'Find the ASCII value of the current character
ThisChar = (Asc(Mid(BarTextIn, II, 1)))
'Calculate the bar code 128 value
If ThisChar < 123 Then
CharValue = ThisChar - 32
CharValue = ThisChar - 70
End If
'add this value to sum for checksum work
Sum = Sum + (CharValue * II)
'Now work on output string, no spaces in TrueType fonts
If Mid(BarTextIn, II, 1) = " " Then
BarTextOut = BarTextOut & Chr(174)
BarTextOut = BarTextOut & Mid(BarTextIn, II, 1)
End If
Next II
' Find the remainder when Sum is divided by 103
CheckSumValue = (Sum Mod 103)
' Translate that value to an ASCII character
If CheckSumValue > 90 Then
CheckSum = Chr(CheckSumValue + 70)
ElseIf CheckSumValue > 0 Then
CheckSum = Chr(CheckSumValue + 32)
CheckSum = Chr(174)
End If
'Build ouput string, trailing space is for Windows rasterization bug
BarCodeOut = StartChar & BarTextOut & CheckSum & "~ "
'Return the string
Bar128AB = BarCodeOut
End Function
' This function converts a string into a format compatible with Elfring
' Fonts Inc bar codes. This conversion is for subset C only. It adds the
' start character, throws away any non-numeric data, adds a leading zero if
' there aren't an even number of digits, scans and converts data into data
' pairs, adds a checksum and a stop character.
Public Function Bar128C(BarTextIn As String) As String
Bar128C = Bar128SubsetC(BarTextIn, 0)
End Function
' This function converts a string into a format compatible with Elfring
' Fonts Inc bar codes. This conversion is for UCC/EAN subset C only. It adds
' the two start characters, throws away any non-numeric data, adds a leading
' zero if there aren't an even number of digits, scans and converts data
' data pairs, adds a checksum and a stop character.
Public Function Bar128Cucc(BarTextIn As String) As String
Bar128Cucc = Bar128SubsetC(BarTextIn, 1)
End Function
' Convert input string to bar code 128 C format, Pass UCC 0 = no, 1 = yes
Public Function Bar128SubsetC(BarTextIn As String, UCC As Integer) As String
' Initialize input and output strings
BarTextOut = ""
BarTextIn = RTrim(LTrim(BarTextIn))
' Throw away non-numeric data
TempString = ""
For i = 1 To Len(BarTextIn)
If IsNumeric(Mid(BarTextIn, i, 1)) Then
TempString = TempString & Mid(BarTextIn, i, 1)
End If
Next i
' If not an even number of digits, add a leading 0
If (Len(TempString) Mod 2) = 1 Then
TempString = "0" & TempString
End If
' If UCC = 0, then normal start, otherwise UCC/EAN start
If UCC = 0 Then
Sum = 105
StartChar = "}"
Weighting = 1
Sum = 207
StartChar = "}²"
Weighting = 2
End If
' Calculate the checksum, mod 103 and build output string
For i = 1 To Len(TempString) Step 2
'Break string into pairs of digits and get value
CharValue = Mid(TempString, i, 2)
'Multiply value times weighting and add to sum
Sum = Sum + (CharValue * Weighting)
Weighting = Weighting + 1
'translate value to ASCII and save in BarTextOut
If CharValue < 90 Then
BarTextOut = BarTextOut & Chr(CharValue + 33)
ElseIf CharValue < 171 Then
BarTextOut = BarTextOut & Chr(CharValue + 71)
BarTextOut = BarTextOut & Chr(CharValue + 76)
End If
Next i
' Find the remainder when Sum is divided by 103
CheckSumValue = (Sum Mod 103)
' Translate that value to an ASCII character
If CheckSumValue < 90 Then
CheckSum = Chr(CheckSumValue + 33)
ElseIf CheckSumValue < 100 Then
CheckSum = Chr(CheckSumValue + 71)
CheckSum = Chr(CheckSumValue + 76)
End If
'Build ouput string, trailing space for Windows rasterization bug
BarCodeOut = StartChar & BarTextOut & CheckSum & "~ "
'Return the string
Bar128SubsetC = BarCodeOut
End Function